Just came back from outside with my parent. HEEHEE. It had been long time for me to get together with my parent to go for spin on my dad'z lorry. So nice but the sad thing is, i can't to sit at the back due to the stupid weatherT.T. Sadded.
We went to visit the Marina Barrage at Marina South. The place is super huge and beautiful, and is super comfortable to slack at there too. If there is any chancez, i hope i can go there with my fellow friendz to slack with *hint hint*. LOL, but to go there is abit too inconvenient coz there'z no direct bus and lotz of blangala and china workerz living there as their temporary hostel is there. Troublesome=.=. LOL.

Haha, thatz all for now. JA-NEH~
to be continued...