LOL. A nice day home today. No working, no outing, no shopping...yeah nothing, just simply staying at home as a "guai kia" today. Heehee.
Woke up at around 10.30am, went out with my mum to have our breakfast cum lunch together at a Cafeteria in the HUB. Finally had my beef noodle, after saying and whining that how i wanted to eat for 3dayz. LOL, finished, "da pao" rojak and headed home.
You know what, the most happiest thingz is that while all your family member are not home, you can use the damn comp without fighting over it and blast the music out loud like nobody business. LOL, this is what i'm doing right now X). But somehow using the comp for the whole is like abit too boring. Play L4D, facebook, watch anime then L4D, facebook, watch anime, again and again. Total madness. Anyway is ok for me, coz is had been a week for me to play the comp and by the time i reached back home after work, my god damn bro is still using it. Naiz, that'z retarding to think about.
Hmm, now i really wonder how much will my pay gonna be. A thousand or below?? Hopefully around a thousand, PLEASE~ LOL, coz i wanna buy some stuff which may cost me a 100++ per stuff that i wanna buy for this coming November. Weee~ i really can't wait that long liao ar~ FAST COME AR, MY HANDSOME PAY~ LOL, ki siao liao.
Haha, so i think i gonna date some of my peepz out for Shopping Date when i got hold onto my pay. LOL. shopping HUAT AR~!!!

to be continued...