weirdVIDEO(We live in Singapura) ...
Hi, I'm Ruixian. A normal average Chinese girl who love to watch anime, read manga and gaming.... Anyway my blog will tell you what kind of person am I, haha right?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
a PAINFUL day...
*cry out loud*...
Sob ear pain pain. Haiz, now i back with two piercing on my left. SO SAD.
Now i goin to tell u how i make my left ear only two piercing....
Today, doesn't any different to me like other dayz. Doing same old thingz which i do everyday. BUT i know i today can go chop my hair. YEAH.
After i bath, i went down to find my mum and sis. Before i went down, i accidentally pull my ear stud, which USED to be on the top of my left ear, but i did pull to hard when i comb my hair.
Thatz was so call WARING for me but i didn't notice it much.
When is my turn to chop my hair, i forgotten to tell the aunty to becareful about my piercing on my top of the left ear.
Here comes my horror....
When choppin halfway my hair, the aunty accidentally pull my piercing on the top very hard. OUCH. That was fucking painful. Then the aunty saw my ear started to bleed. My mum keep saying "see lah, told you not to pierce pierce pierce, and thatz the trouble.....".
Haiz. How to do. I naughty mah and that was my bao sad.
Den i told my mum just pulled the stud out, althought i know is gonna be painful but have to do it. So my mum pull out the stud.
I nearly faint. That was freaking painful but painful then my leg injury at last time. HAHA.

Anyway, after pulling, the aunty help me apply some medicien on my wound and coutinued chopping.
HAHA, i really shocked the aunty. XP
So the lesson i learn is....NO MORE PIERCING ON THE TOP!!!
Never in my life.
to be continued...
*cry out loud*...
Sob ear pain pain. Haiz, now i back with two piercing on my left. SO SAD.
Now i goin to tell u how i make my left ear only two piercing....
Today, doesn't any different to me like other dayz. Doing same old thingz which i do everyday. BUT i know i today can go chop my hair. YEAH.
After i bath, i went down to find my mum and sis. Before i went down, i accidentally pull my ear stud, which USED to be on the top of my left ear, but i did pull to hard when i comb my hair.
Thatz was so call WARING for me but i didn't notice it much.
When is my turn to chop my hair, i forgotten to tell the aunty to becareful about my piercing on my top of the left ear.
Here comes my horror....
When choppin halfway my hair, the aunty accidentally pull my piercing on the top very hard. OUCH. That was fucking painful. Then the aunty saw my ear started to bleed. My mum keep saying "see lah, told you not to pierce pierce pierce, and thatz the trouble.....".
Haiz. How to do. I naughty mah and that was my bao sad.
Den i told my mum just pulled the stud out, althought i know is gonna be painful but have to do it. So my mum pull out the stud.
I nearly faint. That was freaking painful but painful then my leg injury at last time. HAHA.

Anyway, after pulling, the aunty help me apply some medicien on my wound and coutinued chopping.
HAHA, i really shocked the aunty. XP
So the lesson i learn is....NO MORE PIERCING ON THE TOP!!!
Never in my life.
to be continued...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Before that, i wanna say....HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIYING!!!
Just went to one of my friends blog, and i saw something interesting in her blog. Then i decide to check it out.
Itz a kind of quiz to find out to see how shy are you. Haha. Thatz my result.
Not bad.
Why don't u guyz give it a try to see how shy are you. Heehee.
to be continued...
Before that, i wanna say....HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIYING!!!
Just went to one of my friends blog, and i saw something interesting in her blog. Then i decide to check it out.
You Are 48% Shy |
Although you live a pretty normal life, you tend to be a fairly shy person. Many situations make you feel uncomfortable, and you sometimes find your shyness hindering your life. |
Itz a kind of quiz to find out to see how shy are you. Haha. Thatz my result.
Not bad.
Why don't u guyz give it a try to see how shy are you. Heehee.
to be continued...
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Heehee...i'm home in one piece.
TODAY is quite a day for me.
I woke up at around 11.55 when i suddenly heard my parent banging the locker against my gate to alert either me or my bro open the door. ARGH, wake me up at my sleep, irritating. Nevermind.
I went out again for job inteview at centerpoint with Jane. Jane said the boss lookz abit tiko but i funny him ok BUT lookz veri funny to me. HAHA nevermind again. Once and again, i have to wait for his call due to some reason he told us. Damn.
After the stupid interview, we went to acrade again. Heeheeheee. I begged Jane to play House of Dead 4 again, Time Crisis 3 (this one i played alone), basketball and Photo Hunt. Hohoho, we really nothing better thing to do.
Finish spending at acarde, we decided to walk around at heeren and cineleisure. While walking, we kena stop by two guyz. They really shocked me when they POP out from no where. Jane try to walk again but they like buzzing bee keep begging help them do survey. HAHAHA, actually i wanna be "good" person to help coz they "have" the "look".
You know what happened during the survey...
I saw a MOTORCYLE ACCIDENT at orchard near Centerpoint. Whoa, that was a very heng n shocking accident. HAHA, i nearly faint. Kena shock two time.
You know what, i tio electric shock by one of the survey guy. Oh my god man. His smile make know you know, anyway is nothing. Heehee.
ONE MORE THING....Jane and i saw SOMEONE...heehee and a idiot one...ARGH.
We SAW....SUNSHINE BOY, weee,and pei yong jun, he suckz man.
HAHA, somemore SUNSHINE BOY we saw 2 time. One on the street, walking near us and one we saw him working at heeren. HOHOHO.
Just our luck man.^^
Heehee...i'm home in one piece.
TODAY is quite a day for me.
I woke up at around 11.55 when i suddenly heard my parent banging the locker against my gate to alert either me or my bro open the door. ARGH, wake me up at my sleep, irritating. Nevermind.
I went out again for job inteview at centerpoint with Jane. Jane said the boss lookz abit tiko but i funny him ok BUT lookz veri funny to me. HAHA nevermind again. Once and again, i have to wait for his call due to some reason he told us. Damn.
After the stupid interview, we went to acrade again. Heeheeheee. I begged Jane to play House of Dead 4 again, Time Crisis 3 (this one i played alone), basketball and Photo Hunt. Hohoho, we really nothing better thing to do.
Finish spending at acarde, we decided to walk around at heeren and cineleisure. While walking, we kena stop by two guyz. They really shocked me when they POP out from no where. Jane try to walk again but they like buzzing bee keep begging help them do survey. HAHAHA, actually i wanna be "good" person to help coz they "have" the "look".
You know what happened during the survey...
I saw a MOTORCYLE ACCIDENT at orchard near Centerpoint. Whoa, that was a very heng n shocking accident. HAHA, i nearly faint. Kena shock two time.
You know what, i tio electric shock by one of the survey guy. Oh my god man. His smile make know you know, anyway is nothing. Heehee.
ONE MORE THING....Jane and i saw SOMEONE...heehee and a idiot one...ARGH.
We SAW....SUNSHINE BOY, weee,and pei yong jun, he suckz man.
HAHA, somemore SUNSHINE BOY we saw 2 time. One on the street, walking near us and one we saw him working at heeren. HOHOHO.
Just our luck man.^^
to be continued...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
HomE ALone DAY thRee...
so sucky man...Nevermind.
Heard my phone rang. Woke up at in the afternoon again. Saw my idiotic bro playing computer gamez. Pick up my phone, checking which person message me. Drag myself out to the living room. On TV. Watching "Kids Central" cartoon coz other channel proggramme are boring.
Making me so sick...ARGH.
This not the first time i rot myself at home. If i go out, i also quite lazy and some more no money for me to spend.
Heehee. I now thinking about dinner tonight. See my ah fat how settle our dinner today.
to be continued...
so sucky man...Nevermind.
Heard my phone rang. Woke up at in the afternoon again. Saw my idiotic bro playing computer gamez. Pick up my phone, checking which person message me. Drag myself out to the living room. On TV. Watching "Kids Central" cartoon coz other channel proggramme are boring.
Making me so sick...ARGH.
This not the first time i rot myself at home. If i go out, i also quite lazy and some more no money for me to spend.
Heehee. I now thinking about dinner tonight. See my ah fat how settle our dinner today.
to be continued...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
DaYz of PEAce...
A week of no parent. No nagging. No asking. No need to report. Just...freedom.
Now having my relaxing non-stress dayz. Doing the stuff without my mum looking. Playing computer gamez to dawn. Just doing all kind of stuff which had been forbbiden.
I really hate my mum to nag me. It'z really pissing me off. I don't like it either my mum too. Just don't know why we can't make thingz right.
I just hate it when you ask me about my money left in my bank.
I just hate it when you ask me to find job when i also trying my best to.
I just hate it when you say i not gonna make it to higher nitec or poly.
I just hate it when you say my future seem to be no use.
And i just hate it all....No encouragement. Making me think i really useless. I'm tired.
You alwayz said i don't dare to talk back or respond you when u were scolding and nagging. You are wrong. Coz ur my mum...and i don't have the courage to say it out. I'm not that kind of child which like to hurt their parent and i do not like to rude my own parent.
Anyway the path which i had choosen are meant to be for me and my whole life. I know what i am doing. I know you people trying to make sure i'm ok and not getting bad. Just loosen me bit by bit and get hold my own freedom.
So i gonna prove it to you...
A week of no parent. No nagging. No asking. No need to report. Just...freedom.
Now having my relaxing non-stress dayz. Doing the stuff without my mum looking. Playing computer gamez to dawn. Just doing all kind of stuff which had been forbbiden.
I really hate my mum to nag me. It'z really pissing me off. I don't like it either my mum too. Just don't know why we can't make thingz right.
I just hate it when you ask me about my money left in my bank.
I just hate it when you ask me to find job when i also trying my best to.
I just hate it when you say i not gonna make it to higher nitec or poly.
I just hate it when you say my future seem to be no use.
And i just hate it all....No encouragement. Making me think i really useless. I'm tired.
You alwayz said i don't dare to talk back or respond you when u were scolding and nagging. You are wrong. Coz ur my mum...and i don't have the courage to say it out. I'm not that kind of child which like to hurt their parent and i do not like to rude my own parent.
Anyway the path which i had choosen are meant to be for me and my whole life. I know what i am doing. I know you people trying to make sure i'm ok and not getting bad. Just loosen me bit by bit and get hold my own freedom.
So i gonna prove it to you...
to b continued...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
ALL i waN is J-O-B...
todae around 12am, i received a call.
"RuiXian, ni yao bu yao jiao gong"..."wo you yi ge shi hao xiang promote dong xi de".
jane ar jane. Y U CALL ME WHEN I SLEEP UNTIL SO SOUNDLY!!! haha, nevermind, anyway i was about to wake up also. HAHA.
after the call, off i went to bath n dress myself up. AND something funny about my mum. i asked my mum to give me 15buckz, but she ended up givin me 50buckz. OH MY MUM. i told her i never say i want 50 buckz and i only want 15 buckz. Ma ar Ma.
when we finished the interview, i suggest to c the SUNSHINE BOY at far east. WAHAHA. you know why i wanna go there. COZ i wanna help boss to look. heehee. i think she confirm wanna kill me. WE WILL SO LUCKY MAN. heng that he'z not on his off day.
lalalalala~ so happy^^.
but i don't get it. why when i saw him today, i felt so shy. thatz pretty weird of me to be shy when i saw him. In sch saw him not shy but outside sch saw him shy.
that job which jane found to me is not bad but for just in case, we went to interview other job as plan B. Heehee. we asked M'industrial n Action City. hope they will call.
HUAT AR...ahem.
today n again...I SAW LIANG ZAI. yahoo. funny sia. todae too bright liao, one sun n liang.
todae around 12am, i received a call.
"RuiXian, ni yao bu yao jiao gong"..."wo you yi ge shi hao xiang promote dong xi de".
jane ar jane. Y U CALL ME WHEN I SLEEP UNTIL SO SOUNDLY!!! haha, nevermind, anyway i was about to wake up also. HAHA.
after the call, off i went to bath n dress myself up. AND something funny about my mum. i asked my mum to give me 15buckz, but she ended up givin me 50buckz. OH MY MUM. i told her i never say i want 50 buckz and i only want 15 buckz. Ma ar Ma.
when we finished the interview, i suggest to c the SUNSHINE BOY at far east. WAHAHA. you know why i wanna go there. COZ i wanna help boss to look. heehee. i think she confirm wanna kill me. WE WILL SO LUCKY MAN. heng that he'z not on his off day.
lalalalala~ so happy^^.
but i don't get it. why when i saw him today, i felt so shy. thatz pretty weird of me to be shy when i saw him. In sch saw him not shy but outside sch saw him shy.
that job which jane found to me is not bad but for just in case, we went to interview other job as plan B. Heehee. we asked M'industrial n Action City. hope they will call.
HUAT AR...ahem.
today n again...I SAW LIANG ZAI. yahoo. funny sia. todae too bright liao, one sun n liang.
to b continued...
Sunday, January 14, 2007
*looking at the sky*
hmm...heng man...not snowing...heehee.
Yo wazzup, and hi...watashi Liew RuiXian the siao kia.
Ok back to normal. Hmm...another raining day. Why rain everyday again?? Aiyoyo...cold leh you know. Don't tell me becourse Korean Pop Star, Bi Rain, so must rain until like siao. Aiyoyo.
Weird weather, weird weird weird.
Slacking at home, slack slack slack.
ARGH!!! I really nothing better to do. So boring. Nevermind, i still have my computer with me. Heehee.
to b continued...
*looking at the sky*
hmm...heng man...not snowing...heehee.
Yo wazzup, and hi...watashi Liew RuiXian the siao kia.
Ok back to normal. Hmm...another raining day. Why rain everyday again?? Aiyoyo...cold leh you know. Don't tell me becourse Korean Pop Star, Bi Rain, so must rain until like siao. Aiyoyo.
Weird weather, weird weird weird.
Slacking at home, slack slack slack.
ARGH!!! I really nothing better to do. So boring. Nevermind, i still have my computer with me. Heehee.
to b continued...
mOOdy me mOOdy weather...
aiyo...raining again. Haiz...this few dayz i really had enough.
I'm tired.
From out of no where, i felt a unknown stress possessed on me. It'z making my life upside down. Making me really really restless, moody and fear.
Hmm...ok. Let'z me say something else.
Yesterday, a another Saturday, i went out with my best pal n my sec malay friend. Shopping here, shopping there then walk everywhere...haha...coz nothing better to do. Hohoho...i finally brought a pair of shoes which i wanted to be like.
Haiz...actually i quite bored. Walking on same old streetz in Singapore, really make me a headache. to do. That'z my life which i had live in 17yrs 13dayz 2hrs 5minz n 7sec.
What will my life be like after 20 years...haiz.
I wonder.
aiyo...raining again. Haiz...this few dayz i really had enough.
I'm tired.
From out of no where, i felt a unknown stress possessed on me. It'z making my life upside down. Making me really really restless, moody and fear.
Hmm...ok. Let'z me say something else.
Yesterday, a another Saturday, i went out with my best pal n my sec malay friend. Shopping here, shopping there then walk everywhere...haha...coz nothing better to do. Hohoho...i finally brought a pair of shoes which i wanted to be like.
Haiz...actually i quite bored. Walking on same old streetz in Singapore, really make me a headache. to do. That'z my life which i had live in 17yrs 13dayz 2hrs 5minz n 7sec.
What will my life be like after 20 years...haiz.
I wonder.
to b continued...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
hoLidAy reALLY sux MY liFE...
sumbody help help help...i really cannot stand it liao...zzz...I REALLY NEED A JOB BADLY...haiz...stupid ppl dun wan employ sad...BAD...nw rottin at hm...zzz...sian ar sian ar...wo shou bu liao le...WO YAO ZHOU GONG...zzz...
yesterday went out wif my huiying n her frenz...hohoho...n oso i was happy coz i went to play maple at PC Bunk again...heehee...hmm...i tink i gonna make a member card cost 20 buck den whenever i go play maple at PC Bunk it will b much more cheaper...heehee n guess wat...I YESTERDAY SAW LIANG ZAI...YAHOO...yeah yeah...lalalalala~...saw him again at dhoby ghaut...*fly up to heaven*...heehee
sumbody help help help...i really cannot stand it liao...zzz...I REALLY NEED A JOB BADLY...haiz...stupid ppl dun wan employ sad...BAD...nw rottin at hm...zzz...sian ar sian ar...wo shou bu liao le...WO YAO ZHOU GONG...zzz...
yesterday went out wif my huiying n her frenz...hohoho...n oso i was happy coz i went to play maple at PC Bunk again...heehee...hmm...i tink i gonna make a member card cost 20 buck den whenever i go play maple at PC Bunk it will b much more cheaper...heehee n guess wat...I YESTERDAY SAW LIANG ZAI...YAHOO...yeah yeah...lalalalala~...saw him again at dhoby ghaut...*fly up to heaven*...heehee
to b continued...
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