Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me~ Don't you wish your girlfriend was freak like me~ Don't cha Don't cha~...(anyhow sing^^)
Haha, yesterday went out with BEELING and BOSS. Hmm...should say boss wanna go out so she asked me to ask beeling out. HOHOHO.
Boss and i met each other 1st, coz miss bee was still at gm's house having some snackz and taking ang bao. HAHA. So while waitin for her, we went to suntec and marina square anyhow walk and ate buger king at marina square=X.
Meanwhile i was also finding my idiot MONEY CHANGER. Sian man, both suntec and marina square both never open. Argh but in the end i found one open at PS. WAHAHA.
FINALLY miss bee pop out at PS.
We went to Cathey buy ticket to watch Norbit ,actually i wanted to watch it at PS Golden Villiage but itz full.
Went to play Maple at a LAN shop(forgot what is called but not PCBunk...sob sob), coz got free one hr if u got a movie ticket that you are watchin today only cost 3.50 buckz n plus an hr free^^ but only me and boss play=.=.
Then after playing we went back to PS to have our dinner at PASTAMANIA. MA MA MIA^^. After that we went to watch NORBIT.

The movie was DAMN FUNNY. LOL. Norbit's fatty wife was veri....omg you know. haha. Really can't stop laughing. HAHA.
One i can say is G-O-O-D.
to be continued...
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