WAHAHA. I today first time went to JB with friendz. Heehee.
Actually i don't feel like going, coz i too lazy to wake up le. So i end up tell my mum, packed my bag with all the thingz i should bring and off i go meeting up my friendz.
Total we got 5 people going, including me. HAHA. Take train got Krangi mrt station then take bus in, then we catch a taxi to Holiday Plaza. At first i didin't know my friendz wanna reborn their hair. HAHA. Reached there, then went to KFC to have our lunch. Ling complained that the chicken had a weird taste like a dead chicken smell but i had mine is nothing at all. Hmm, thatz weird.
HAHA, anyway after makan, we went to the hair saloon called Takoya or Toyako, aiya i had forgotten what it called. Outside the saloon my friend asked me and another two friendz to shop around while she and her sis having their hair reborn.
Walk walk walk. Looking here and there. See this see that. Touch this touch that. So sian man, but i end up brought a pirated PC gamez, The Sims 2. Heehee. Finished window shopping, three of us went back to find them.
HAHA, i never thought i will cut my hair. I suddenly felt so tempted to cut my hair while siting inside the saloon. Heehee. So total cost RM39 for Cut and Wash. Happy until i can fly to moon after my hair done triming.
Here come'z something happy for me. FOOD^^.
We went to eat seafood. Yum yum. So nice man. HAHA. But something very funny about sugar cane drinkz' cup. It'z BIG. Not just big is very very big. HAHA.

to be continued...
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