Went out at 8.30.
Go to Kou Fu makan our breakfast. Headed to Bishan with my mum to CPF building to do some paper work, then waited for our dad to fetch us go SGH for my mum do her MRI there. While waiting for our mum, went to walk around idiot-ly to find venting machine. Thatz the best thing and a MUST-HAVE in a hospital. LOL.
After waited around an hour, went to chinatown. Makan Yong Tau Fu. Then went to OG and Satchi House. The most torturing part is i had shoo my mum out from a place to another place coz when she goes in, she will stuck down there and just looking only. Argh, haha. Then headed to Bugis.
The fun part come.
When we were waiting for the traffic lightz, i saw a guy who lookz really alike a guy, which i named him "Shower Cap", crossing the road. My eye open wide and i told my sis straight after saw him and i wasn't confirm. LOL. The funniest thing is when we started crossing the road, my mum said "letz go walk behind him, see nearer whether is him anot loh...." LOLx100 to the core man. HAHAHAHA, the three of us, which including my mum, started our stalking business. LOL, i can't believe my mum also happy to do that. She said like this got some entertainment, else we keep walking will also sian. HAHA. End up we did catch up but that guy wasn't that "Shower Cap". Chey, LOL.
Walk here and there, then go to temporary maket to find my mum stuff and my dad'z dinner=).
Waited for the damn bus 1/2 an hour, reached home for an hour. ZZZ~
Haha, super shack. Ok, gonna munch up my seaweed and chiong luna. WEEE~

to be continued...
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