Gosh, i'm freaking awake at this hour when i should be on my comfy bed-o sleeping. LOL you think i care?? Of coz not lah XD...
Super happy right now, coz i got to download some new song to updated my playlist^^. Ok, thatz too lame to happy though, but don't know why just feel so happy o.O...i think i must be mad already. LOL~ Oh ya, can't wait to have shopping later at the afternoon, together shopping partner BOSS~!!! LOL, oh ya and JANE YOONG LIYUN if you happen to read my blog, you better get your ass to meet us later for dinner. I don't care whether you have no money or whatsoever, just come and thatz it. LOLOL~!!!
Hmm, anyway there'z some thingz getting fishy. I don't know what is all about and what'z going on, i think my guessing should be somewhere around there...hmm if it really is, i gonna say is some thingz are just really very simple, not very complicated and i can confirm thatz not the thingz you're thinking. =) Else i fear thingz will get very messy as it seem, coz i don't wish that scenario to happen in my life again=/...
Ok seriously, i really go and get myself to sleep or i will be dead later=.=...OYASUMI~^^
to be continued...
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