Darth Vader: *hoooowwl* Ruixian, i'm your boyfriend....*hoooooowwl*
Me: O.O!!! *gasp*
LOLOLOL. Recent joke on sidd aka my dear bf tl. XD
IT'Z MAYYYYYYY~!!! oh man, one month passed again. Kinda fast eh, hopefully i really can absord all the learning and studying now. I'm slow but i willing to give it a try=). What kind of stress i never been through before, those shall be challenge then .*roar*
It'z been weekz that i had not been blogging since my last post at april 3th=.=. Super dead blog and blogger who lovez to keep her blog dead, LOL. Nah, anyway it makez no different whether i blog anot coz not much or not even a single soul will want to check out my blog to kpo on. I know some does, but i think i able to count the numberz using my both of handz or maybe just one will be enough XD. That'z how dead or whatever my blog workz =P. Hohoho~
Hmm, about my life till now...hmm busy?? i don't know but it seem to be this way for now coz i gonna go sch in the morning from monday to friday, after that gonna go straight down to work in the afternoon at Paragon and sometimez at Tangs. Plus recently my schedule is back to those dayz which i only can off on one day a week. Shag huh, but i'm alive LOL. Time planning is freaking tied for me plan timez for friendz who i promised to meet up soon to=/ feel so bad gonna really find solution for it sooonX/ but time for my bf, luckily he'z working at Fish n Co and i able spend an hour plus with him till his last bus home. Short but still worth it=).
Unhappy-ed, upset-ed...but in the end, Smile=)
Heehee, that'z all i think=). Ok gonna play some gamez before sleeping. OYASUMI and CHIAO-SUUU~
to be continued...
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