Ah hohoho...
Ya right, 3.12am now and i'm blogging now=.=. Haiya anyway i'm waiting for my hair to dry up too. Hohoho...~ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~ sheeesh, wannna blog and i forgot what to blog=.=. What the hell i'm trying to do siol....=.= hmm, i think i shall blog about few thing which happened last few dayz then=).
Last saturday, spent the whole day with my sidd bf=). He came to my house at 11plus to surprise me with Mac Breakfast Deluxe=D. Really very sweet of him and also remembered get me a Milo with ice=). Once again thank you, dear=).
After having breakfast, we stayed awhile watching tv and talking to my mum. After that we went to town area to walk around, then headed down to tampines and took a cab down to IKEA to meet up my parent and sis to have a dinner there.
Kao about having dinner at IKEA on saturday was a horrible nightmare. I really hate to go down on saturday to dine there, is freaking horrible where the part you have turn nasty to get the a table when there is some retarded moron who just come out from nowhere and take your table away=.=.
Ok back to where i cut off, LOL. My bf and i had a fast dinner that day coz we were on the rush as my bf gonna jam at the later part of the day with his malay friend/band mate.
The End for the last saturday....
ARGH, so boring seriously>:(. Nothing much for me to do on my sis'z lappy. Only Facebook, tumblr and the SIM3. B-O-R-I-N-G...how i wish i some game console at home. PS3 or anything will do=). Ok, gonna end here. Cannot tahan already, gonna sleep now. Ok then, OYASUMI....!!!
to be continued...
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